The Secret History of the United States


SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- For 20 years, the United States has secretly used psychics in attempts to hunt down Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, find plutonium in North Korea and help drug enforcement agencies, the CIA and others confirmed Tuesday.
The ESP spying operations -- codenamed "Stargate" -- were unreliable, but three psychics continued to work out of Fort Meade, Maryland, at least into July, said researchers who evaluated the program for the CIA. The program has cost the government $20 million, said Ray Hyman, a psychology professor at the University of Oregon in Eugene, who helped prepare the study.
Associated Press, Nov 28, 1995

The Washington Post reported in April that the Department of Defense is testing two anti-vomiting drugs that it hopes will allow soldiers, for the short-term after a nuclear attack, to continue to perform their mission before they ultimately die of nuclear radiation.

The party oracles were content to spend whatever Reagan wanted on defense as long as he allowed them to spend whatever they wanted on Social Security, Medicaid, and other social programs. This was a deal the Reagan White House gladly accepted. This deal is why today we have our annual deficit of nearly $180 billion and a public debt of almost $5 trillion.
Common Cents - Representatives Timothy J. Penny & Major Garrett p.8

...Unless President Clinton (or any future President) and the congressional leadership decide to confront the rising cost of these automatic pilot programs [Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Veterans Administration, etc.] jointly, the deficit will grow. It won't matter how much taxes are raised. It won't matter how much defense spending is reduced. It won't matter if we eliminate every penny of foreign aid (we will spend $18 billion on foreign aid in 1995, or 0.012 percent of our entire budget).
None of this will matter unless the nation decides it can do without some of the Social Security, Medicare, veterans, or other entitlement benefits they receive.
p.38, 43 Common Cents - Representative Timothy J. Penny & Major Garrett

Listen to the news: a bear, the last survivor in the Sarajevo zoo, died of starvation. He died after eating his mate, as did all the other animals, the eagles, the leopards, the lions, the tigers, and the pumas.
Zombification - Andrei Codrescu p.201

for current information on Bosnia try CNN World News

Noam Chomsky on Bosnia

ADM: A Case Study in Corporate Welfare

All pictures taken from the New York Times.

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